Dr Chinedu Nkole – Blueprint To Health And Healing – Dr Chinedu Nkole – https://www.chinedunkole.com Medical And Scriptural Principles For Abundant Health Fri, 29 May 2020 12:20:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.10 https://www.chinedunkole.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/cropped-apple-icon-152x152-1-32x32.png Dr Chinedu Nkole – Blueprint To Health And Healing – Dr Chinedu Nkole – https://www.chinedunkole.com 32 32 Covid-19 A Doctor’s Perspective https://www.chinedunkole.com/covid-19-a-doctors-perspective/ https://www.chinedunkole.com/covid-19-a-doctors-perspective/#respond Fri, 29 May 2020 12:11:51 +0000 https://www.chinedunkole.com/?p=14214 Covid-19 A Doctor’s PerspectiveRead More »


It has been some time since I published my book “the blueprint to health and healing” : thank you all so very much for the positive feedback and the amazing testimonies of what God is
already doing in your lives due to this book.

Many of you that have read it will agree that it is the quality and not quantity that matters and will testify to the fact that there are some powerful truths that have been addressed within the pages of the book. With that said, unfortunately …

... there is a chapter in the book that I was unable to publish because of certain restrictions with the publishers ...

… so; due to public demand I have decided to put some of the important aspects of that chapter that you are able to download for free in a formal video in order to educate people.

On the 11th of March 2020 the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a world pandemic and since then there have been a lot of dangerous conspiracy theories and misinformation about the disease; in relation to that I’d like to highlight the point that …

… the Bible says in Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge …

As at the time of the recording of this video about five million people worldwide have been affected infected with this disease and out of that over 300,000 people have died which is really very disheartening.

For someone such as myself that has a strong public health background and also being one on the front line in the fight against the disease I felt it pertinent to put out the correct information in order to educate as many people as possible in order to debunk the misinformation and by so doing save lives.

Now what do we know about the coronavirus ?

Coronavirus is a large group of viruses that cause respiratory disease;
from a mild common cold to severe respiratory diseases such as Middle East respiratory syndrome and what we know
as severe acute respiratory syndrome which is of course known as SARS.

Now the first SARS outbreak was in the month of November in 2002 in the Guangdong Province of China ...

What we are currently dealing with in terms of the current pandemic is SARS COV2 which also broke out in the month of November in 2019 in the Wuhan province of China. Now I think there’s something that relates to November that epidemiologists need to look into the COVID link to these outbreaks.

What The Mode Of COVID-19 Spread ?

We know that primarily the mode of spread is through respiratory droplets

When people that have the illness are seen to cough or sneeze and also if one touches a surface that has the virus and then goes on to touch one’s mouth, nose or ear.

We now know there are two stages of this disease

… the first stage is the replicative stage which is when the virus just replicates in your respiratory system at this
stage usually most people just have some mild illness

and then you have the most severe stage of COV-19 which is the adaptive immunity stage where one’s immune system is seen to releases what
we call cytokines.

Cytokines are usually substances in the body that mediate immunity;it has been found that in the case of COVID19 individuals are seen to produce these cytokines in excess. I think the primary cytokine causing the problem is what we call Interleukin 6 – in some medical centers some inhibitors of interleukin 6 are being used to try and counter the effects of this “cytokine storm”.

Now; in my book I write about food items that have been scientifically proven to have antioxidants which also have anti-inflammatory qualities that could help counter these inflammatory effects of which we speak of above. We also know that part of the pathology of people with COVID19 is blood clot formation : deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Now also again there are some food items that have organic substances with anticoagulant qualities, take for instance cinnamon. Cinnamon contains coumarin; coumarin organic substances come with anticoagulant properties that’s the substance that is found in Warfarin and I am sure many readers are aware of warfarin which is widely used to thin the blood and to deal with blood clots.

Now at this point I’d like to stress that these food items are not a cure for COVID19; they are just there to help a person’s immune system fight the inflammatory effects of the cytokines and also in terms of the blood clots, therefore if you are feeling unwell or are seen to be struggling with your breathing please make sure you call an ambulance immediately to be properly assessed and treated.

COVID19 : Prevention And The Search For A Cure

Now we know there are ongoing trials to find a cure and the reason for the virus however, the best weapon we have right now is preventative measures and the most important of all those preventative measures is washing your hands with soap.

The reason why it is so important to wash hands with soap is that the virus is encapsulated in a coat of spiky proteins and fats. What occurs is that soap is seen to break down the fats and then disintegrates the virus.  Therefore there is indeed a need to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds in order to end up with the desired outcome.

Alcohol hand sanitizers also have the same effect however; the downside of using alcohol to deal with COVID-19 is that if your hand is greasy or if the sanitizer does not contain up to 60% alcohol concentration it may not produce the desired effects. So hand washing with soap still remains the best option. Again by now we will all be aware of terms such as …

  • Self-Isolation
  • Quarantine
  • Social Distancing
  • PPE

Make sure that if you are a health care worker that you wear you the adequate PPE [personal protective equipment] as these are all preventative measures against contracting COVID-19.

Now, there have been arguments about the lockdown and on how we go about easing the lockdown; now the argument that in the long term it is going to have a net negative effect on our health and the global economy is valid. Having said that the rate at which the virus spreads is so rapid that if we don’t ease the lock down in a structured, well planned process driven manner with well thought out exit strategies we are going to lose all of the gains that have been gained from the enforced lockdown.

And so from a public health perspective, it is really very important that the respective governments put in wide spread testing and contact tracing in place before the lockdowns are eased. This is is applicable especially when it comes to schools; before children are sent back to schools the school staff should be tested to ensure there is no focus of infection in our schools.

Now we know that children have mild versions of the illness, just for the same reason they have mild versions of chicken pox – primarily because their immune system are not as developed as the immune systems of adults; where they are able to mount the aggressive immune response [Cytokine Storm] that causes the major problem in COVID19.

Having said that we also know that children can carry the virus so they can bring it home to their parents, grandparents or other adults and so it’s really very important that the adequate steps are taken and proper structure put in place before the children are sent back to school.

Consequences Of The COVID-19 Lockdown

There are other things we and the government can do as right now we are seeing other illnesses such as cancer, heart attacks, heart failure as well as stroke all being neglected as many individuals are not feeling comfortable to visit hospitals in general due to their feeling that they may contract COVID-19 by visiting the very place they go to for assistance.

Now another way to deal with that this is for governments to have COVID-19 cohort hospitals where one can
go to in order to get treated for COVID-19 specific ailments.

In this way we can free up other hospitals so that they are able to attend to the generic illnesses that we are dealing with in society. Otherwise we are going to start to see spikes in terms of the mortality rates of these other illnesses if they are not addressed.

Now having said all that; we can only do what we can do as as humans ultimately it is God that protects and as such the importance of prayer at this time cannot be over emphasized.

I believe in the power of prayer and have always done so in my life and for everyone that believes in the power of prayer this is the time for us to pray passionately; this is time for us to cry out to god; this is time for us to ask for his mercy, for him to intervene please keep praying this keep we’ll stay strong and stay protected thank you.

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stroke treatment and management https://www.chinedunkole.com/stroke-treatment-and-management/ https://www.chinedunkole.com/stroke-treatment-and-management/#respond Thu, 14 May 2020 11:38:32 +0000 https://www.chinedunkole.com/?p=14140 stroke treatment and managementRead More »

Management of Stroke Patients

The treatment modalities for stroke patients depend on the type of stroke they have had. It is therefore very important to get a CT scan of the head as soon as possible to rule out a bleed in the case of Hemorrhagic stroke. Once a bleed is ruled out, the following treatment options are available for ischaemic strokes :


… this is the intravenous administration of a clot bursting drug, alteplase within the thrombolysis window of 4.5 hours from onset of symptoms as per current NICE guideline.


… is a process where interventional radiologists mechanically extracts blood clots (Thombus) from within the affected artery. Thrombectomy is ideally performed within 6 hours from time of onset (window range is within 6-24 hours) for patients that meet the criteria.

Antiplatelet Therapy

platelets are blood cells that play a very significant role in blood clot formation.

… platelets are blood cells that play a very significant role in blood clot formation. Anti-platelets are used in treating ischaemic stroke patients. High dose aspirin 300mg daily should be started once a CT scan of the head rules out a bleed, for patients that do not meet the criteria for thrombolysis/Thrombectomy. For those that meet the criteria, a repeat CT scan of the head should be done 24 hours post thrombolysis/thrombectomy to rule out Hemorrhagic transformation/complication of the procedure. Once ruled out, 300mg daily of aspirin is given for 2 weeks and then stepped down to clopidogrel 75mg od lifelong.

Statins – given to mitigate hypercholesterolaemia risk factor. Those intolerant to statins can be put on ezetimibe as an alternative. Haemorrhagic Stroke is treated primarily by treating the cause eg optimising bp control in the case of hypertensive aetiology.


This is a very important aspect of stroke management and is my personal area of interest.

Mismanagement post stroke could lead to avoidable morbidity and mortality. This aspect of stroke management is multidisciplinary, involving a team of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, Dieticians, neuropsychologists / neuropsychiatrists, occupational therapists and healthcare assistants. Everyone in the team (T-together, E-everyone, A-achieves, M-more) is important and all work together to achieve the common goal of best clinical outcome for the patients. Below are some of the complications post stroke that could result in fatalities if not addressed :

Aspiration Pneumonia

depending on the part of brain affected by the stroke, the patient’s ability to swallow safely can be impaired, a condition known as dysphagia. This predisposes him/her to aspiration pneumonia (some of the food/water go into the lungs instead of the food pipe and cause pneumonia). Their management should be guided by the speech and language team after a swallow assessment. They are initially fed via NG (Nasogastric) tube.

Majority of stroke patients will recover the ability for safe swallow. A minority may need a longer term feeding route such as PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy), where a PEG tube is inserted into the patients stomach through the abdominal wall. Patients at risk of aspiration pneumonia should be monitored very closely and doctors should have low threshold to start antibiotics if they spike temperature of their inflammatory markers significantly trending up.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)/Pulmonary Embolism (PE)

Because most stroke patients are immobile following disability from stroke, they are
quite prone to developing DVT(blood clot in the limbs) and PE (Blood clot in the lungs) -To prevent this from happening it is very important for every stroke patient to be on an intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC) device which can be switched to prophylactic blood thinners when appropriate.

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discussing diabetes https://www.chinedunkole.com/discussing-diabetes/ https://www.chinedunkole.com/discussing-diabetes/#respond Tue, 12 May 2020 15:12:03 +0000 https://www.chinedunkole.com/?p=14097 discussing diabetesRead More »

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, a type of sugar in the blood, is too high.

Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. There are 2 major Types of diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus :

… also previously known as insulin dependent diabetes IDDM or juvenile diabetes, presents predominantly in young patients. In type 1 diabetes, very little or no insulin is produced by the pancreas.  As a result, patients with type 1 diabetes will require exogenous insulin (external insulin) to control their blood glucose.

The islets of Langerhans are responsible for the endocrine function of the pancreas. Each islet contains beta, alpha, and delta cells that are responsible for the secretion of pancreatic hormones. Beta cells secrete insulin, the hormone that plays an important role in regulating glucose metabolism. Type 1 diabetes is caused by an autoimmune response that attack the beta cells of the pancreas.

The Terms

a] Insulin Dependent Diabetes


b] Juvenile Diabetes

… previously used to describe Type 1 DM are no longer popular because we are seeing more type 2 patients having to go on insulin for better glycemic control. Also type 1 DM can present late in adult as LADA-Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adult.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus :

also previously known as Non-Insulin Dependent diabetes (NIDDM) is more common than type 1 DM a nd is mostly due to insulin receptor resistance. My book : Blueprint to health and healing, gives some practical steps that will counter insulin receptor resistance. Again the term Non Insulin dependent diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) is obsolete as many people with type 2 DM are requiring insulin for better glycaemic control.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus mostly present in adults, however, it can rarely present in the young as MODY-Maturity onset diabetes of the young. Another form of diabetes, known as gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy. Symptoms of Diabetes : Most of the symptoms of diabetes are due to : –

One : The osmotic properties of glucose

… too much glucose in the blood (hyperglycaemia) causes osmotic diuresis, resulting in : Frequent urination (polyuria, nocturia) Excessive thirst (polydipsia) Dry skin from dehydration which can cause patches of dark skin.

Two : Inability of the cells to utilise the glucose in the blood ...

… (Starvation in the midst of plenty) due to either the absence of insulin in the case of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus or the resistance of insulin receptors to available insulin, in the case of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : Always feeling hungry (polyphagia) Feeling very tired. Weightloss (unintentional) despite eating a lot.

Three : Hypercoagulable state (abnormally increased tendency towards blood clotting (Coagulation).

Slow healing of cuts and wounds-blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells, oxygen and nutrients eg Vitamin C are needed for wound healing. The hypercoagulable state in diabetes compromises blood supply to the tissues resulting in slow healing of cuts and ulcers. Tingling, numbness, or pain in the hands or feet.

The injurious effects of hyperglycaemia if not mitigated result in :

Retinopathy-damage to the retina of the eyes, which may cause vision impairment,
Nephropathy- impairment of kidney functions and Neuropathy-nerve damage which could lead to pain, numbness,
tingling in your hands, arms or feet(peripheral neuropathy)


These include: Coronary artery disease that could lead to myocardial infarction(Heart attack), Stroke and Peripheral vascular (arterial) disease which in severe cases could lead to amputation of the affected limb.

Diabetes is a major disease burden on public health, the economy, and healthcare institutions and the practical steps suggested in my book (Blueprint To Health and Healing) will help reduce this burden.

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The Importance Of Prayer https://www.chinedunkole.com/the-importance-of-prayer/ https://www.chinedunkole.com/the-importance-of-prayer/#respond Sat, 09 May 2020 12:46:39 +0000 https://www.chinedunkole.com/?p=14066 The Importance Of PrayerRead More »

How Important Is Prayer For The Christian And The Population In General ?

Let’s take some time out to talk about Prayer. Many pose the question which is “What exactly is prayer ?” So with that said – why don’t we take some time out to make a definition of prayer in this short article – in short [in general] it is safe to say that the act of prayer is that of communicating with the creator of the universe and of all things that are in existence.

There are many reasons why someone may decide to take part in the act of Praying, one such reason could be asking God for assistance in life. It could be made use of for thanking the creator for His blessings for life in general. Or it could be used for simply communications
largely in the same way that we might converse with one of our friends taking part in a discussion throughout the course of any given day.

So with all that has been said – How important is prayer ?

… well it is safe to say that it is a key component when it comes to operating any health and healing blueprint that we may choose to follow.

If the fact is that we do believe in God as being the Creator of all things, we believe that he indeed exists, and on top of all that we adopt a mindset that he has the desire to maintain a positive relationship with us as human beings, so “just how important is prayer ?” Well, if prayer is the act of simply communicating with God or some may say “chatting then many have the ongoing questions as to how important prayer is in day to life ?

So let’s say that we define prayer as an act of simply having a chat with God

….. and on top of that that he has a desire to develop and maintain a relationship with us as part of his creation, then perhaps we are able to make a comparison with prayer as that of speaking with or talking with one of our best friends or maybe our spouse. So …

"How important Is Daily Communication With Our Partners / Spouse Or Our Best Friend ?"

Do we in fact go on to grow closer to them if we do not engage in daily conversations ?

Well, when we take part in daily conversations as key component of any relationship, it in fact should have the effect of enabling us to bond and grow closer to that individual. So following on from that example – if we have conversations with God on a daily basis it follows on logically that we will grow closer to our creator on a daily basis ?

Looking at this example from a different perspective …..

if we do not take part in daily communications with God on a daily basis then are we able to expect to grow closer to him in any way ?

In as much as going to church and doing good works are important, praying and communicating with God on a daily basis is by far more important. In terms of going to Church alone, ask the question as to whether or not doing this without daily communications [which we define as prayer] will actually bring us closer to God our Creator.

The act of Prayer is a component of any effective blueprint for good health and effective healing as well as being an extremely important act in life in general. When we pray and communicate with God on a daily basis, when we converse regularly with God the creator and make time for Him in our lives we end up having a much easier road to travel in our lives.

On the other hand – when we do not spend precious time with God on a daily basis, especially in terms of actually communicating with Him we will in fact notice a profound difference in life in general and in that of our daily achievements.

When we take part in the act of praying, we will be communicating with the Creator of the known universe. The fact is that the creator does want to hear from us and to go on to answer our prayers.

So - what part of your life do you need assistance with ?

Health – Relationships – Career – Finances ??

… and can you define how God can directly help you to achieve your objective by communicating with him daily ? The thing to do is to make time for him on a daily basis no matter what we are feeling or the circumstances are.

So in conclusion, if you are facing challenges in your life the challenge that is posed is to get into the habit of praying starting today. Then you will in fact notice immediate differences not only in the way that you perceive things in life but also in the way that you respond to the world that you see around you. The fact is that Prayer does indeed change things and we encourage you to indeed continue with or; start with having daily conversations with God.

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Wellness of the Spirit https://www.chinedunkole.com/wellness-of-the-spirit/ https://www.chinedunkole.com/wellness-of-the-spirit/#respond Wed, 06 May 2020 10:24:29 +0000 https://www.chinedunkole.com/?p=14032 Wellness of the SpiritRead More »

There are of course many definitions bounded around when it comes to speaking about Wellness of the spirit ...

… but for the purpose of these discussions let’s say that it refers to one’s ability to deal with the daily stresses and strains that comes up within our lives on a consistent basis. In today’s busy world we can see that very often individuals do not have the ability to deal with life’s issues and at times become overwhelmed, therefore if one does not leave sufficient time in life to tend to the wellness of the spirit or some may say – soul, overall the ability to function most effectively will be lost.

In today’s fast pace world the evidence that one is unable to cope manifests itself in many ways such as in the form of anxiety attacks. Such attacks can range from extremely mild to very very severe. So what happens exactly when one is overcome by an anxiety attack ? The body’s system is seen to go into a form of shock. The terminology should be noted as in fact …

The terminology should be noted as in fact ...

… from a physical perspective nothing is actually wrong with the person that should cause them to become ill, and there is [normally] nothing wrong in terms of the mental state that should cause one to experience the panic; in fact the loss of control upon further examination is actually within the spirit.

When this comes about it can be momentary or in some cases we see that it is possible for it to last for years. Perhaps the most debilitating part of the overall process is loss of the ability to effectively function and that is when it comes to executing that which is normally the most usual of routines. Part of taking part in any health and healing blueprint can be as an example taking a short trip to the grocery store that suddenly becomes impossible this is due to the level of panic that is created within the individual.

Many who tell of their experiences with these panic attacks even for a brief period of time do attest to how real they are. It is indeed a frightening event that only serves to multiply the effects of the panic. The person experiencing these attacks do feel as if they have lost control when it comes to maintaining the ability to function. 

They are unable to meet deadlines; in addition to this we see that they are not able to work and be a provider for their families, there are a whole host of reasons that cause people who suffer from this condition to arrive at the state where they have loss of control.

Many experts have been stated to have the belief that is it the hectic pace of life in this technologically advanced world in which we live that serves to amplify the need to provide our spirit, our soul, and our inner voice an opportunity to be heard. Dealing with everyday life actually drowns out opportunities to connect with our inner beings during the course of a given day, this is due to the fact that everything tends to be schedules, we multitask and leave then there is hardly any time left over for us to have meaningful conversations with ourselves. These and related natural healing and health blueprint matters are addressed within the pages of My Book That One Is Able To Find On Amazon – I welcome any feedback that you may have after you have read the publication.

 It is indeed impossible to listen to one’s inner needs if one happens to be speaking on the phone, listening to radio stations or interacting and playing with children. It seems that if we let it this era will take from us chances of meeting our spiritual needs if we let it, with that said – with all of the technology today’s age it has also provided more opportunity for us to plan downtime.

We have the internet, audio, video, and even facilities such as massage clinics that provide us with the opportunity to slow down and connect with our inner selves. Never before have we had so much in existence that could be used to help us help our selves. So with that said – what is the main issue ? The main thing working against us is in fact people’s lack of discipline as well as their devotion and dedication to their own health and well being. What many tend to forget as we live in the age of so called super human feats in terms of sport and overall achievement is that the only way to sustain our God given super human beings is to keep that being and that is all aspects [body as well as mind] well.

Spiritual wellness works hand in hand with the physical ...

… and comes through concentrated effort as well as daily discipline & focused devotion to our body, mind as well as our internal soul. Yes; the wellness of individual’s soul or spirit does affect all other parts of us as whole human beings this is evidenced as we see panic attacks in addition to mental breakdowns and related conditions stemming from the inability to deal with pressure. The necessity of attending to one’s wellness is something that should be added to any daily “to do” list in order to ensure that the essential “time out” is scheduled in for our selves.

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weight loss https://www.chinedunkole.com/weight-loss/ https://www.chinedunkole.com/weight-loss/#respond Mon, 04 May 2020 12:38:28 +0000 https://www.chinedunkole.com/?p=13996 weight lossRead More »


Various Ways To Lose Weight Quickly

There is such a focus on diet and weight loss as people are so concerned with the way that they look on the outside. With that said – here are some methods to consider in terms of being able to drop some of those extra pounds in relatively short amount of time.
Segment things down into manageable chunks

… and take each entity one step at a time. Commence by actually paying more attention than before all of the food that you are choosing to consumer, be sure to slowly cut back in terms of the bad food that you have been taking in replace these with decidedly more healthy foods into the diet. After this has been put under control, many experts would agree that the next step is to add exercise into a daily routine. If exercising is not your thing then the thing to do is to take this gently in the first instance by implementing say fifteen to thirty minutes at a time.

Enjoyable food and acivitities ...
Opt for those foods and take part in activities that are enjoyable to you.
Let’s say you decide to do [at first] only those activities you get some real enjoyment out of, then in most cases you will find that you have a desire to do those exercises even more.

This follows on to be the same when it comes to the foods that you decide to get rid of in line with the best way to start living a healthy lifestyle and the new ones that you implement into your diet, by going for those foods that are good for you and that you actually like eating will increase your chances of sticking to a healthy clean diet and at the same time decrease those bad food cravings.

Build Muscle

It is surprising from some to comprehend that we burn calories in terms of muscle more quickly than that which we do when it comes to burning fat. Therefore it stands to reason that working out with weights in order to build up that up that quality muscle has a direct impact on our weight loss goals. This is due to the fact that all of that extra lean muscle mass will be in place to assist in burning more calories for us and that is on more of a long term basis.

Reduction In Carbohydrate Intake.

It is not suggested that one cuts their carbohydrate intake completely, this is due to the fact that the body actually does [of course] have a needs for carbohydrate in order to generate energy. The best way to proceed is to cut out some of the white breads and also [processed] pastas from one’s diet – in this way the overall carbohydrates intake will be seen to be lowered.

So with that said, the question could be “What carbs does one actually need to eat” ? In short these can be replaced with carbs such as sweet potatoes and some whole wheat bread which will turn out to be better for health.

Setting Weightloss Diet Goals

Set goals that are realistic, measurable and attainable. One of the best things that one can do is to apply deadlines to their goals, starting by making them measurable is an excellent strategy to have in place.

One can make their goals realistic by deciding upon those goals that it is perceived that one will actually be able to attain.

 In terms of timeframes, it does make a lot of sense to set long term as well as those short term goals and in this way one will more readily go on to achieve their expectations in relation to quick, effective and healthy weight loss.

Stop eating bad foods.

It is still surprising to many just how much continuing to consume unhealthy foods such as candy, cookies, biscuits, cakes and other sweets are as well as drinking soda and other drinks that are in fact full of sugar is. With immediate effect it is advised to cut these bad “goodies” out of one’s diet as soon as possible or at least say eight percent of the time and then one will be able to see how the weight will really drop away and that is without having too much activities in order to make the weight loss happen [of course stacking up weight loss and diet activities always is best].

And In Conclusion :- As always, consult with your personal medical professional, however with that said if one implements the tips given above on a step by step basis one will see that in no time at all that one will begin to see significant changes in terms of the amount of weight that they are seen to be carrying.

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post stroke patient conditions https://www.chinedunkole.com/post-stroke-patient-conditions/ https://www.chinedunkole.com/post-stroke-patient-conditions/#respond Fri, 01 May 2020 11:19:12 +0000 https://www.chinedunkole.com/?p=14152 post stroke patient conditionsRead More »


Constipation – again because of their immobility, stroke patients are prone to constipation. If this is not addressed, it could lead to urinary retention necessitating the insertion of urinary / urethral catheter which could in turn increase the risk of urinary tract infection.
Constipation also limits the patient’s ability to engage during physiotherapy sessions.

Pressure ulcers – Also because of their immobility, they are very prone to developing pressure ulcers. Regular turning and in some cases pressure mattress could help prevent pressure ulcers. Infected pressure ulcers could lead to septicaemia and could potentially result in fatality.


Understandably, many stroke patients go through periods of low mood due to the sudden change in their life circumstance

This impacts negatively on their ability to rehab and should be addressed sooner than later. Conservative management with the guide of a neuropsychologists is advised in the first instance. It is only when conservative management has not helped that the neuropsychiatrists should be involved for consideration of drug treatment.

Delirium – also known as acute confusional state, is a condition of acutely disturbed state of mind characterised by acute confusion, restlessness, illusions and incoherence. Some patients experience some period of delirium post stroke. Some other causes include infection and constipation. Conservative management is the advised 1st line of management. If organic causes are ruled out or treated and delirium persists, the neuropsychiatrists should then be involved for consideration of drug treatment.

Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed (UGIB)

is a major complication post stroke.

This is because of the high dose of aspirin 300mg daily, ischaemic stroke patients are started on. To prevent this it is advisable to start them on a proton pump inhibitor at least for the initial 2 weeks they are on high dose aspirin.

The multidisciplinary team should look out for the above possible post stroke complications. If identified and addressed sooner, most stroke patients generally have good clinical outcome. Patients’ families should be regularly updated on the progress of their loved ones and discharge destination and planning started as soon as possible as it takes quite a long time to put the right equipment and care package in place before discharge. There is so much job satisfaction that comes from treating and rehabilitating stroke patients back to as close to their pre-stroke baseline as possible.

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Cardio Exercise https://www.chinedunkole.com/cardio-exercise/ https://www.chinedunkole.com/cardio-exercise/#respond Thu, 30 Apr 2020 09:36:19 +0000 http://www.chinedunkole.com/?p=13862 Cardio ExerciseRead More »


A great deal of research has already been undertaken regarding the topic of daily workouts whether it be based on basic weightlifting, light cardio, yoga, stretching or many of the other activities that help our bodies to move thereby stimulating blood flow. The results are pretty much conclusive and show that working out and getting some quality movement in in terms of cardiovascular activities have become more and more imperative to a long, healthy life given the desk bound, computer centric world in which we live today.

….. So it can be said that whether it happens to be a brisk daily walk or activities leading up to an intense run on say a treadmill or jogging …..

… around the block where we happen to reside, it has been demonstrated that there are so many benefits when it comes to varying matters of health which are linked to one getting their heart rate up !

Incorporating cardiovascular exercises into one’s daily routine has the knock on effect of serving to make one’s heart [even] stronger than it otherwise would have been if one was not seen to be making use of this form of exercise.

In line with that most people are aware that when we have a strong heart – in fact there is not the requirement for it to work so hard to pump blood around our bodies which adds years to the functioning of our hearts.

By taking daily steps to keeping our hearts in as best condition as possible this helps to lower our overall chances of that which is known as heart disease and even the onset of diabetes. Both of these conditions are widespread; are known to be life threatening and on a global basis we can see that they are far too common in our modern societies.

To keep a focus on maintaining optimum health one needs to commit to taking part in some sort of daily cardiovascular workout routine

and it should be stated that it does not matter whether or not the activity is intensive or some form of light movement. By actually doing something one will be able to lower their chances of a wide range of [the aforementioned as well as many other] illnesses.

It is amazing if we consider how much such a small change in a daily routine can be seen to have a long lasting impact.

So how can one get started if they make the decision to get their heart rate up and take charge of their health ? In response to that, it is recommended that one commence with considering taking part in say a 30 minute cardiovascular session on a daily basis, or if one is unable to manage this in a single sessions, it is possible to split up the whole session into parts and as an example; do 3 ten minutes sessions which will have the effect of adding up to a total of our target thirty minutes of exercise.

And before we end this brief discussion on daily workouts and cardiovascular activities leading to overall general well being, we should state that one should check with their doctor first in order to make sure that they are healthy enough to take part in a given amount of daily exercise.

And please do not forget how important rest is in terms of giving the body time to repair, recover, rejuvenate and heal as; even though we have an end goal in mind we need to respect our bodies and take into consideration that rest and recuperation work hand in hand with exercising and working out.

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keeping hydrated for health https://www.chinedunkole.com/keeping-hydrated-for-health/ https://www.chinedunkole.com/keeping-hydrated-for-health/#respond Wed, 22 Apr 2020 14:38:03 +0000 https://www.chinedunkole.com/?p=13844 keeping hydrated for healthRead More »


It is indeed a fact that the taste of water may not be as satisfying as that of say some of the more popular sugary sodas out there, with that said the fact is that our bodies depend on water.

In fact it should be stated that our body is comprised of around 60 percent of water – of course it is obvious to see that this is more than half of the composition of the bodies that we function within on a daily basis!

As we go about taking care of our daily activities as a matter of course we continuously lose amounts of water from our bodies that seep out through our pores.

Simply stated this is one of the main reasons behind making the statement that we as human beings have a need to continue to be constantly hydrating.

Sugary drinks and other soda drinks that we consume so much of have the effect of dehydrating our bodies, so this is one of the reasons why we need to make a commitment to taking in more and more amounts of water on a daily basis.

In the following few paragraphs we will provide some methods that people can follow in order to ensure that they are consistently getting their daily recommended amounts of servings of water.

One Can Bring Drinking Water To Their Place Of Work

If one happens to prefer that which is the refreshing taste of bottled water, then it may well be a good idea to consider buying required amounts of water in advance that will be able to last for the working week ahead of them.

When this method is employed then every night before the individual goes to bed, they can simply make sure that they have some bottles of water ready for use whenever it is needed;  then they will be able to take the bottles for usage as and when they are needed in order to maintain necessary levels of hydration. In addition to that it is important to note that keeping adequately hydrated helps to regulate one’s blood sugar levels.

Go Get A Functional Drinking Bottle

To put a bit of fun into the act of getting more water inside of our bodies one can make the decision to go and purchase some of those refillable water bottles.

There are some interesting bottles that can be found some of which have some interesting and inspiring quotes, some of those quotes are

some of these messages can be inspirational – in fact whatever we need for our lives such as based around that of humour, or maybe motivation – it really does not matter.

What does really matter is making sure that we get as much water into our bodies as is necessary for optimum functioning. 

Using a fun and interesting bottle is an easy and fun method that one can use in order to keep one’s body hydrated !

Keeping Hydrated Promotes Cardiovascular Health.

In addition to all that has been addressed above in this article it should be noted that when one is dehydrated; it has the overall effect of lowering the volume of one’s blood. This has the knock on effect of meaning that an individual’s heart having to work harder in order to pump the reduced amount of blood around the body in order to ensure that the required amounts of oxygen gets to the cells. Some of the effects of this is that those everyday activities such as going up and down stairs as well as taking part in various exercise routines even more difficult than is should be.

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Health Is Wealth https://www.chinedunkole.com/health-is-wealth/ https://www.chinedunkole.com/health-is-wealth/#respond Thu, 16 Apr 2020 13:44:48 +0000 https://www.chinedunkole.com/?p=13796 Health Is WealthRead More »


We can all agree that being and remaining in a state of health is a position that we all strive to be in. The opposite state of being healthy is that of constantly going back and forth to hospital visits in order to deal with various medical conditions of one form or another. Whether it is yourself, colleague, loved one or maybe family member having to go through all of the above, this can take its toll and lead to depression. On top of that 

living with we term as ongoing health condition costs can in fact turn out to be quite expensive to deal with.

as [depending on where one lives in the world] medical bills [i.e. medications as well as other health supplements] can mount up and become really expensive to deal with.

Being able to enjoy one’s life without having to deal with the burden of having to take many different forms of medications daily in addition to having to visit doctors is of course something that most people would wish for.

When looking into some of the extensive research that has been conducted, the data shows that there are so many medical conditions that have root causes that are results of poor eating habits.

When the act of constantly feeding one’s body with “bad food” is seen to be coupled with that which is a consistent lack of exercise in addition to stress filled life – we see the results of poor health being manifested in one’s life.

It is for this reason that taking the time out to seriously pay attention to our health is something that should be at the top of our To Do Lists, this is so that small issues do not turn into major problems; this prevention mindset is one way of maintaining good health.

Notwithstanding the financial implications of having to live with an ongoing medical condition due to not being able to work and the aforementioned medical expenses; it is proposed that more focus should be put on the poor dietary practices that are being adhered to by so many.

The food that we are eating has been seen to cause less than optimum body conditions, where the clogging as well as ongoing damaging of as well as over working of various internal body systems all work together to contribute to poor health conditioning.

So in conclusion – it can be said that instead of having to deal with managing one’s poor health, by far the more useful option would be to immediately starting to look at all of the food that one eats on a daily basis as well as continuing to work on one’s healthy diet plan, this …

when coupled with regular exercise regimes and adopting a stress free mindset will indeed lead to overall increased levels of good health.

As we say that Health Is [indeed] Wealth for sure being educated in general on the topic of health and possessing some knowledge and education on the vast benefits of maintaining a healthy life. Doing so will not only benefit the person who adopts it. On the other hand if the positive information out there to help us all with living more abundant and healthy lives is not in fact put into practice. As the human body will naturally deteriorate and age anyway; as it does so we think that all that one can do in order to not accelerate the ageing and deterioration process will be a good thing for all of those involved.

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