cardio exercise - Archive - Blueprint To Health And Healing - Dr Chinedu Nkole - Medical And Scriptural Principles For Abundant Health Thu, 30 Apr 2020 10:59:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cardio exercise - Archive - Blueprint To Health And Healing - Dr Chinedu Nkole - 32 32 Cardio Exercise Thu, 30 Apr 2020 09:36:19 +0000 Cardio ExerciseRead More »


A great deal of research has already been undertaken regarding the topic of daily workouts whether it be based on basic weightlifting, light cardio, yoga, stretching or many of the other activities that help our bodies to move thereby stimulating blood flow. The results are pretty much conclusive and show that working out and getting some quality movement in in terms of cardiovascular activities have become more and more imperative to a long, healthy life given the desk bound, computer centric world in which we live today.

….. So it can be said that whether it happens to be a brisk daily walk or activities leading up to an intense run on say a treadmill or jogging …..

… around the block where we happen to reside, it has been demonstrated that there are so many benefits when it comes to varying matters of health which are linked to one getting their heart rate up !

Incorporating cardiovascular exercises into one’s daily routine has the knock on effect of serving to make one’s heart [even] stronger than it otherwise would have been if one was not seen to be making use of this form of exercise.

In line with that most people are aware that when we have a strong heart – in fact there is not the requirement for it to work so hard to pump blood around our bodies which adds years to the functioning of our hearts.

By taking daily steps to keeping our hearts in as best condition as possible this helps to lower our overall chances of that which is known as heart disease and even the onset of diabetes. Both of these conditions are widespread; are known to be life threatening and on a global basis we can see that they are far too common in our modern societies.

To keep a focus on maintaining optimum health one needs to commit to taking part in some sort of daily cardiovascular workout routine

and it should be stated that it does not matter whether or not the activity is intensive or some form of light movement. By actually doing something one will be able to lower their chances of a wide range of [the aforementioned as well as many other] illnesses.

It is amazing if we consider how much such a small change in a daily routine can be seen to have a long lasting impact.

So how can one get started if they make the decision to get their heart rate up and take charge of their health ? In response to that, it is recommended that one commence with considering taking part in say a 30 minute cardiovascular session on a daily basis, or if one is unable to manage this in a single sessions, it is possible to split up the whole session into parts and as an example; do 3 ten minutes sessions which will have the effect of adding up to a total of our target thirty minutes of exercise.

And before we end this brief discussion on daily workouts and cardiovascular activities leading to overall general well being, we should state that one should check with their doctor first in order to make sure that they are healthy enough to take part in a given amount of daily exercise.

And please do not forget how important rest is in terms of giving the body time to repair, recover, rejuvenate and heal as; even though we have an end goal in mind we need to respect our bodies and take into consideration that rest and recuperation work hand in hand with exercising and working out.

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