COVID19 - Archive - Blueprint To Health And Healing - Dr Chinedu Nkole - Medical And Scriptural Principles For Abundant Health Fri, 29 May 2020 12:20:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 COVID19 - Archive - Blueprint To Health And Healing - Dr Chinedu Nkole - 32 32 Covid-19 A Doctor’s Perspective Fri, 29 May 2020 12:11:51 +0000 Covid-19 A Doctor’s PerspectiveRead More »


It has been some time since I published my book “the blueprint to health and healing” : thank you all so very much for the positive feedback and the amazing testimonies of what God is
already doing in your lives due to this book.

Many of you that have read it will agree that it is the quality and not quantity that matters and will testify to the fact that there are some powerful truths that have been addressed within the pages of the book. With that said, unfortunately …

... there is a chapter in the book that I was unable to publish because of certain restrictions with the publishers ...

… so; due to public demand I have decided to put some of the important aspects of that chapter that you are able to download for free in a formal video in order to educate people.

On the 11th of March 2020 the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a world pandemic and since then there have been a lot of dangerous conspiracy theories and misinformation about the disease; in relation to that I’d like to highlight the point that …

… the Bible says in Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge …

As at the time of the recording of this video about five million people worldwide have been affected infected with this disease and out of that over 300,000 people have died which is really very disheartening.

For someone such as myself that has a strong public health background and also being one on the front line in the fight against the disease I felt it pertinent to put out the correct information in order to educate as many people as possible in order to debunk the misinformation and by so doing save lives.

Now what do we know about the coronavirus ?

Coronavirus is a large group of viruses that cause respiratory disease;
from a mild common cold to severe respiratory diseases such as Middle East respiratory syndrome and what we know
as severe acute respiratory syndrome which is of course known as SARS.

Now the first SARS outbreak was in the month of November in 2002 in the Guangdong Province of China ...

What we are currently dealing with in terms of the current pandemic is SARS COV2 which also broke out in the month of November in 2019 in the Wuhan province of China. Now I think there’s something that relates to November that epidemiologists need to look into the COVID link to these outbreaks.

What The Mode Of COVID-19 Spread ?

We know that primarily the mode of spread is through respiratory droplets

When people that have the illness are seen to cough or sneeze and also if one touches a surface that has the virus and then goes on to touch one’s mouth, nose or ear.

We now know there are two stages of this disease

… the first stage is the replicative stage which is when the virus just replicates in your respiratory system at this
stage usually most people just have some mild illness

and then you have the most severe stage of COV-19 which is the adaptive immunity stage where one’s immune system is seen to releases what
we call cytokines.

Cytokines are usually substances in the body that mediate immunity;it has been found that in the case of COVID19 individuals are seen to produce these cytokines in excess. I think the primary cytokine causing the problem is what we call Interleukin 6 – in some medical centers some inhibitors of interleukin 6 are being used to try and counter the effects of this “cytokine storm”.

Now; in my book I write about food items that have been scientifically proven to have antioxidants which also have anti-inflammatory qualities that could help counter these inflammatory effects of which we speak of above. We also know that part of the pathology of people with COVID19 is blood clot formation : deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Now also again there are some food items that have organic substances with anticoagulant qualities, take for instance cinnamon. Cinnamon contains coumarin; coumarin organic substances come with anticoagulant properties that’s the substance that is found in Warfarin and I am sure many readers are aware of warfarin which is widely used to thin the blood and to deal with blood clots.

Now at this point I’d like to stress that these food items are not a cure for COVID19; they are just there to help a person’s immune system fight the inflammatory effects of the cytokines and also in terms of the blood clots, therefore if you are feeling unwell or are seen to be struggling with your breathing please make sure you call an ambulance immediately to be properly assessed and treated.

COVID19 : Prevention And The Search For A Cure

Now we know there are ongoing trials to find a cure and the reason for the virus however, the best weapon we have right now is preventative measures and the most important of all those preventative measures is washing your hands with soap.

The reason why it is so important to wash hands with soap is that the virus is encapsulated in a coat of spiky proteins and fats. What occurs is that soap is seen to break down the fats and then disintegrates the virus.  Therefore there is indeed a need to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds in order to end up with the desired outcome.

Alcohol hand sanitizers also have the same effect however; the downside of using alcohol to deal with COVID-19 is that if your hand is greasy or if the sanitizer does not contain up to 60% alcohol concentration it may not produce the desired effects. So hand washing with soap still remains the best option. Again by now we will all be aware of terms such as …

  • Self-Isolation
  • Quarantine
  • Social Distancing
  • PPE

Make sure that if you are a health care worker that you wear you the adequate PPE [personal protective equipment] as these are all preventative measures against contracting COVID-19.

Now, there have been arguments about the lockdown and on how we go about easing the lockdown; now the argument that in the long term it is going to have a net negative effect on our health and the global economy is valid. Having said that the rate at which the virus spreads is so rapid that if we don’t ease the lock down in a structured, well planned process driven manner with well thought out exit strategies we are going to lose all of the gains that have been gained from the enforced lockdown.

And so from a public health perspective, it is really very important that the respective governments put in wide spread testing and contact tracing in place before the lockdowns are eased. This is is applicable especially when it comes to schools; before children are sent back to schools the school staff should be tested to ensure there is no focus of infection in our schools.

Now we know that children have mild versions of the illness, just for the same reason they have mild versions of chicken pox – primarily because their immune system are not as developed as the immune systems of adults; where they are able to mount the aggressive immune response [Cytokine Storm] that causes the major problem in COVID19.

Having said that we also know that children can carry the virus so they can bring it home to their parents, grandparents or other adults and so it’s really very important that the adequate steps are taken and proper structure put in place before the children are sent back to school.

Consequences Of The COVID-19 Lockdown

There are other things we and the government can do as right now we are seeing other illnesses such as cancer, heart attacks, heart failure as well as stroke all being neglected as many individuals are not feeling comfortable to visit hospitals in general due to their feeling that they may contract COVID-19 by visiting the very place they go to for assistance.

Now another way to deal with that this is for governments to have COVID-19 cohort hospitals where one can
go to in order to get treated for COVID-19 specific ailments.

In this way we can free up other hospitals so that they are able to attend to the generic illnesses that we are dealing with in society. Otherwise we are going to start to see spikes in terms of the mortality rates of these other illnesses if they are not addressed.

Now having said all that; we can only do what we can do as as humans ultimately it is God that protects and as such the importance of prayer at this time cannot be over emphasized.

I believe in the power of prayer and have always done so in my life and for everyone that believes in the power of prayer this is the time for us to pray passionately; this is time for us to cry out to god; this is time for us to ask for his mercy, for him to intervene please keep praying this keep we’ll stay strong and stay protected thank you.

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